Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Well it has now been just over a month since Julia has gone home to be with her family. The days are getting easier but I miss her terribly. There are days when my heart actually hurts. I yearn to hug her and be her Ameican mom.

It's funny how I really thought that the only person who would experience change was Julia and wow how much more false could that have been. The day I said yes to this experience, I merely thought that I was just doing a friend a favor. Little did I know that my life would be changed forever. She in her sweet ways changed so much of me. I look at life so different now. I want to experience all that I can for I know time shall pass and I'll look back and wonder why I did or did not do something. I have learned thru Julia that time is of the essenece . I don't want to put off today what I can say or do tomorrow.

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